Sunday, December 22, 2013

Key to freedom is Responsibility

Howdie Friends and fellow Bloggers

I am sharing this with you it is wisdom from my mentor Bob Proctor. If you will take this

information As a wake up call in your life or as an eye opener or maybe a physical shaking

out of whare you are now. Responsibility Is a choice. I often refer to it as being the key

to freedom. Your future canbe everything you have ever dreamed about and then some.

You have the talent and tools to experience one beautiful day after another. That is, in

fact, what I believe the architect of the universe had in mind for you when you were created.

If that was not so,you would have never been endowed with such awesome powers.

My good friend and mentor, Val Van De Wall wrote, "When a person takes responsibility

for their life and the results they are obtaining, they will cease to blame others as the

cause of their results. Since you cannot change other people, blame is inappropriate.

Blaming others causes a person to remain bound in a prison of their own making. When

you take responsibility, blame is eliminated and you are free to grow."

Those who haven't taken responsibility for their results and their life often find themselves

in a mental prison, and in many ways, a mental prison is a much worse place to live

than a federal prison or penitentiary. Mental torment can destroy just about everything

that is necessary for a meaningful life: self image, self respect, relationships and a host

of other attributes. It will even cause a person's physical health to deteriorate.

Responsibility opens the door and permits you to walk into freedom. If you find yourself

confined to such a mental state, understand there is a way out. Escape is encouraged

and possible. The master key that fits the lock is clearly marked and is within everyone's

reach. It is responsibility.

I think it would be a fair comment to say that the people we have the greatest respect

for are those who have accepted responsibility for every aspect of their lives. These

individuals rarely duck responsibility by blaming someone else. When faced with an

unfavorable situation, they are usually aware they have attracted the negative

circumstance and know everything happens for a reason. When this happens, they

merely learn their lesson and keep reaching out, above and beyond to the new

frontier, taking responsibility for whatever happens, every step of the way.

When a person refuses to accept responsibility for their life, they reject their uniqueness

and they turn all of their special powers over to other people, situations or

circumstances. They are then no longer in control of their future. They will be hoping

something good will happen, but because of past experiences they will very likely be

expecting something they do not want to happen. When you accept responsibility for

your life and for the results which you alone determine, you will develop confidence

that your dreams can be realized, that your plans can be carried out. Awareness of this

magnificent truth is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest thing that can happen in

your life. It's Aladdin's lamp, a magic wand, the tooth fairy all wrapped up in one.

Dr. Rollo May, a distinguished psychiatrist, once wrote, "The opposite of courage in our

society is not cowardice, it is conformity." It requires great courage to take responsibility

for your life. It's so much easier to blame someone else or something outside of you.

George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what

they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the

people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find

them, they make them." I believe Shaw was right. In my opinion, those who win big in

life take responsibility and create their own destiny.

Earlier on it was suggested that responsibility brings with it a certain amount of freedom.

For some, these last few paragraphs may be life-altering. And, with the proper

understanding, I guarantee it has the power to free you of unnecessary mental weight

that you may have been carrying around with you all of your life. The concept to which

I'm referring has been misunderstood by so many and has probably single-handedly

ruined more lives than one can possibly imagine. Ignorance of this principle will most

certainly cause a person to experience the destructive emotions of anger, guilt and


Here it is: there is a vast difference between being responsible "for" and being

responsible "to." It seems so simple, but I don't want you to let its apparent simplicity

fool you. I'm going to repeat it again. There is a big difference between being

responsible "for" and being responsible "to."

It's not uncommon to hear parents blame themselves and assume responsibility for

something that has happened to their child, and that child might be 40 years old! "If

only we ..." Or, "I should have …" Far too often we inappropriately assume responsibility

for something, when in fact our real duty to the person may have ended 20 years ago.

Unfortunately for most, they carry that baggage around with them for life, never

realizing they have a choice.

The correct interpretation of this is: you are responsible FOR your feelings and your

results - not another person's. You may be responsible TO another person for one thing

or another, but not FOR another person. The exception, of course, is when you choose

to take on the responsibility of raising children until they reach the age of maturity. In

that case, you are both responsible TO and FOR them, until such time as they become

responsible for themselves.

At times, it might even be appealing to contemplate having another person take on

our responsibilities for us. We could even trick ourselves into believing that by doing this,

we would be more free to play, have fun and do the things we wanted. Without serious

thought, it might never enter our mind that exactly the opposite would happen. When

you permit others to take on your responsibilities, yo u become dependent on them.

They become the giver and you become the receiver. Your well-being is dependent

upon their generosity. Hopefully, at some point, it will become very clear that this kind of

behaviour only leads to a life of lack, limitation, resentment and confusion on the parts

of both the giver and the receiver.

I've never witnessed anything positive that has come from the misuse of responsibility.

When you take on the responsibility for another person's feelings, results, or actions, you

destroy their self-reliance and self-respect.

You are responsible for all of the results in your life. You are responsible for your

happiness. You are responsible for your health. You are responsible for your wealth. You

are responsible for your emotional state. Regardless of what has happened in the past,

the future lies ahead with an open slate, waiting for you to take control and create a

wonderful life for yourself. Winston Churchill, who certainly knew something about

responsibility, said, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."

Here's a marvelous affirmation that you can verbalize every night before you go to

sleep and every morning as you step out of bed.

I am responsible for my life ...

for my feelings ...

for my personal growth ...

and for every result I get.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Intuitive factor

Howdie Friends and Blog readers:

I want to tell you I appreciate your viewership and readership.  I hope I am giving good content for your time may God bless you and your families
     Today’s Subject is on one of your Mental Muscles Intuition.   This tool is God give ability to since something before it takes place.  It can help in making decisions.  Wikipedia puts it this way. in·tu·i·tion
[ ìntoo ísh'n ]

1.     instinctive knowledge: the state of being aware of or knowing something without having to discover or perceive it, or the ability to do this
2.     instinctive belief: something known or believed instinctively, without actual evidence for it
3.     immediate knowledge: immediate knowledge of something.

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference and/or the use of reason.
The intuitive factor can be one of the greatest gifts you have?  It can be a warning, and affirmative, or just a feeling of caution.   If you learn these feelings you can use them in business and in life to help in decision making.  It will help you Tune in to a vibration.  You transmit vibration all day long.  Thought is Energy and when you are thinking you vibration is on that frequency of thought.
      You transmit vibrations all day long. Thought is energy and when you are thinking, you are transmitting the energy. Your thoughts are omnipresent. Meaning that your thoughts are everywhere at one time. Thoughts are energy! 

       Let’s try something think of one person frequently all day long, if you have to write yourself a note, and carry it. Think of one person all day long. Think of that person phoning you. Now what you’re going to do, you’re going to transmit that message. It would be their intuitive factor that picks it up. Think of that person all day long. I want you to sit and concentrate on that person for five minutes. Visualize them. Feel them phoning you and also be aware of what you’re feeling. If you get a feeling you should phone somebody, or do something, do it. It’s your Intuition. Start paying attention to it. It’s a powerful tool but think of one person all day long. Start to think of them phoning you.  The intuitive mind has to be used to it has to be built so that you get to know yourself and the feeling you have.  Practice using it, do this test frequently try sending messages to other and see what happens. 

Use your thoughts or intuitive mind and think about your goals of life.  Can you reach your goals continue following the same path your following?  What is your goal, can I haelp you reach it?  Maybe but first you have to check it out to see Go here NOW!     Don’t wait because we both know if you don’t go now you probably will not go at all.   So think of this as an opportunity that will not be hear the next time you come back,  if you ever come back.

   Are you fixing up your house?  Do you need some helpful tips or just want to know how to do that project come on over and check this out

     Here is a few more Ideas to consider

Here something for free well not free you will have to give up your email and name so we can send it to you but it's free other than that.  

<a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a>

I enjoy sharing this information with you thanks for taking the time to read it I know it can change your life if you take it to heart and use what is stated.

God bless and To your Success
Brian L Jones

I Perceive You are going to like this Muscle

Perception a mental Muscle

Howdie Friends and Blog readers
     “The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.” — EARL NIGHTINGALE

     Alright, today’s lesson is on Perception, that’s a mental faculty, it’s one of our higher Faculties!  

So how can Perception help us in our day to day activities and in business?

Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment.[1] All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical stimulation of the sense organs.[2] For example, vision involves light striking the retinas of the eyes, smell is mediated by odor molecules and hearing involves pressure waves. Perception is not the passive receipt of these signals, but can be shaped by learning, memory, and expectation.[3][4] Perception involves these "top-down" effects as well as the "bottom-up" process of processing sensory input.[4] The "bottom-up" processing is basically low-level information that's used to build up higher-level information (e.g., shapes for object recognition). The "top-down" processing refers to a person's concept and expectations (knowledge) that influence perception. Perception depends on complex functions of the nervous system, but  subjectively seems mostly effortless because this processing happens outside conscious awareness.
     I am holding up a sheet of paper as you look at it you can see there is markings all over it but I tell you that there is nothing on it form my perspective at all you insist that there is something on it and I insist that there is nothing on it.   Are you right and I am wrong or am I right and you are wrong.   From my perception I am right there is nothing on the back of this paper, but from your perception you are right there are marking all over the sheet.  But when I turn it over you are aware of my perception as well as I am aware of yours!

“Perception it’s all in the eye that behold it”.

Here’s the point. We’re looking at things from a different point of view. We have a different perception. Most people have perception problems. We’ve got to look at things from a different point of view. Have you any idea the number of times that you’ve looked at a situation and you said “I can’t do it.” You couldn’t do it from that point of view. But somebody else comes along and maybe did it. Why? Because they looked at it in from a different point of view.

Try this sit and spend five minutes looking at some of the things you’re going to do today, and realize you’ve got to look at it from three or four or five totally different points of view. That’s what perception is. It’s our point of view, and that’s what separates us from all the rest of animal kingdom. Don’t just look at things from one point of view. Look at it from many points. And when someone says something, understand, that’s their point of view. They’re not wrong, they’re right from their point of view. Now, some people are stuck with one point of view, they’d rather be right than be rich. Spend the next five minutes thinking of the things you’re going to do today and how many different points of view you can look at them with.

I have an Idea that I would like to share with you are you willing to look at it with a different perspective then you have in the past?   Ok I am looking for Business team members!  I have room for about 4 more people so don’t wait to get on board just go to  or click on the picture of money

 Join me today and start you journey to a more prosperous year!

I would like to give you somethng for free go to  it will not cost you anything but your email and name.  If your like me you will find the wisdom and information priceless!  Go hear now

 Get your free insights from Bob Proctor change your Perspective

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith
and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication.
Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

One last thing are you wanting to have freedom from the Just Over Broke (Job) possion?  I would love to help you but you have to act fast I have a few possions open right now just go hear right now!

 Don’t put it off go hear now

You will kick yourself if you miss this one!

I want you to know That you really are One of a kind and that “you are Gods highest creation”!

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” — LES BROWN
As John Maxwell says, “A dream should never be evaluated according to its size. That’s not what determines its worth. A dream doesn’t have to be big. It just has to be bigger than you are.”

“The whole process of mental adjustment and attunement can be summed up in one word: gratitude.” — WALLACE D. WATTLES

Thanks for reading my blog I wish you Success in everything you do!

God bless and to your Success!
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Invetments

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Imagining the best in you!

Imagining the Best in you!

Howdie Friends and fellow blog readers:

     Today’s topic is one of the “Mental Muscles” Imagination it is a very powerful tool.  
Imagination - also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations that are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses. Imagination helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process[1][2][3][4]
 A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative),[1][5] in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds".[6] It is a whole cycle of image formation or any sensation which may be described as "hidden" as it takes place without anyone else's knowledge.[citation needed] A person may imagine according to his mood, it may be good or bad depending on the situation. Some people imagine in a state of tension or gloominess in order to calm themselves. It is accepted as the innate ability and process of inventing partial or complete personal realms within the mind from elements derived from sense perceptions of the shared world.[citation needed] 

The term is technically used in psychology for the process of reviving in the mind, percepts of objects formerly given in sense perception. Since this use of the term conflicts with that of ordinary language, some psychologists have preferred to describe this process as "imaging" or "imagery" or to speak of it as "reproductive" as opposed to "productive" or "constructive" imagination. Imagined images are seen with the "mind's eye".

Imagination can also be expressed through stories such as fairy tales or fantasies. Children often use such narratives and pretend play in order to exercise their imaginations. When children develop fantasy they play at two levels: first, they use role playing to act out what they have developed with their imagination, and at the second level they play again with their make-believe situation by acting as if what they have developed is an actual reality that already exists in narrative myth.
If you only start the imagination it's as powerful or more than and fire!

Do you practice using your Imagination?  

You should and you should do it with your business in mind!  

     Napoleon Hill said "the imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force that the world has ever known!"  The imagi Nation is the most powerful Nation

 Taking the 7 laws in to mind.

  1. 1.     The Law of Cause and effect
  2. 2.     The Law of Vibration
  3. 3.     The Law of Relativity
  4. 4.     The Law of Rhythm
  5. 5.     The Law of Polarity
  6. 6.     The Law of Gender
  7. 7.     The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
     Can you see what you can do!

     Imagination was used to create the medium that I’m communicating with to you through  Right now? 

It has helped people like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and other great inventors!

     If you build your dream in your head then you can build it in real life!  
“You are what you think”!  and Thought is Energy and Everything is fair.    
Build pictures in your mind of how you want to live. Let your imagination take off. Don’t worry about where the money is coming from. Don’t worry about where the help is coming from. What you want to do is concentrate on building the image; just build the image of exactly how you want to live.

Take the next five minutes and sit back and totally relax and let your Imagination soar. 

How do you really want to live? 
And then I want you to write it on a paper. 
You don’t have to worry about where the money is coming from. 
You don’t have to think of where the help is coming from — just let your imagination take off.
Build the picture and put it on paper. Your imagination is the greatest tool you have got.

Here is a way you can improve your mental state but you have to want to change.
 Get free insights from Bob Proctor
the Scientist mad or not first used imagination 

Do you want to change?

If so then go here right now and get your free daily Insights from Bob Proctor to day!  I Love them!   They help me stay positive through a negative filled world.  Go here right now!  And sign up.

Would you like a Business that could literally change your life?   Don’t miss this opportunity it may not last long I have a few positions left then I’ll have to close the door.  Go hear now!

 join me on Face Book

I appreciate you. You are the best!    You are God’s highest creation! 

God bless to your success
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Investments

 Prove It

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mind Muscle #3 How to Reason

Mind Muscle #3  “Reason”
Howdie Friends and Blog readers:

Did you know you have Mind Muscles?   

How strong are yours? 

Do you use them?

Let’s see.  Today we are looking at  “Reason”  Mind Muscle #3  What is reason ?- Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, for establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information.[1] It is closely associated with such characteristically human activities as philosophy, science, language, mathematics, and art, and is normally considered to be a definitive characteristic of human nature.[2] The concept of reason is sometimes referred to as rationality and sometimes as discursive reason, in opposition to intuitive reason.[3]
Reason or "reasoning" is associated with thinking, cognition, and intellect. Reason, like habit or intuition, is one of the ways by which thinking comes from one idea to a related idea. For example, it is the means by which rational beings understand themselves to think about cause and effect, truth and falsehood, and what is good or bad. It is also closely identified with the ability to self-consciously change beliefs, attitudes, traditions, and institutions, and therefore with the capacity for freedom and self-determination.[4]
In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies some event, phenomenon or behavior.[5] The ways in which human beings reason through argument are the subject of inquiries in the field of logic.[6]

Thanks Wikipedia for this information!  

     We are going to deal with the highlighted part.  Earl Nightingale Said that 2% of  the people think, 3% think they are thinking and 95% would actually rather die then think. He also sated that if most people said what they were thinking they would be speechless.    Well I hope that didn’t offend anyone. 

Do you know we become what we think about?     

Most if not all of the great leaders would tell you that.  Thinking or Thought can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts. Despite the fact that thought is a fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no general accept agreement as to what thought is or how it is created.

     You would probably say everyone thinks.  Am I right?  Well hardly anyone
thinks.  Mental Activity is not thinking.  The Reasoning factor gives you the ability in your conscious mind to take a power that flows into your consciousness and literally originate a thought.  You then add one thought on top of another that foams an Idea.  

      If you seriously sit down and think about how to do what you’re doing, how to do it better – that will take thinking.   
There is no right or wrong way to do anything.   There can be a good way.  There can be a valid way but it’s not the “right” way there can always be a better way! 
     Perception comes into play here one person will see one way is right the other will see his way as right, but if they both get to the same conclusion what matters as to which path they took.    Reason gives you the ability to think.  There is a power a spirit, unadulterated spirit flowing though you.  In your consciousness with your reasoning factor you can take and mold a little thought, and another one and another one and as you bring them together you’ve got an Idea.  It’s the Idea that will change your life! 

      Let’s take the next 5 minutes and seriously think about how we can do what we do.   Not reviewing but  thinking about what your doing.  Concentrate your thinking only on that subject.  Remember just thinking does not constitute thinking. 

   Ok today listen to conversations that are going on around you.  How many of those conversations are really conversations that use thought.   You will see that obviously people are not thinking.  People would never do what there doing say what there saying if they were thinking. 

(The above information is infused with the Ideas that were in Bob Proctors “six minutes to success” and Wikipedia.  I thank them for there sharing this information).  

     Are you looking to get free from the J.O.B. (just over broke)?   Are you tired of being in the moo baaa syndrome (see my blog on the moo baa syndrome) rushing to and from work like cattle and sheep to the pastures and back every day?

     Well I have an Idea an Opportunity that could change your life.  If you are open to taking a look then go to  or Click the door of opportunity below.
 Open your door of OPPORTUNITY to day!

     If you would like to receive insights from Bob Proctor, in your inbox then click the “Think and grow rich” book below and sign up.  I get them and it helps me focus on positive thoughts through out the day. I highly recommend it!  As I do for his book “You were born rich” and Earl Nightingale’s Think and Grow Rich”!
 click this book and get insights from Bob Proctor Free daily!

Here are a few more opportunities that you may find to your liking.

Thanks for reading this blog and any others that I have written.  

You are loved and appreciated!

God bless and to your Success!
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Investment

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Victorious “Will” in Business!

A strong "Will" will help build a Successful Businessss

A Victorious “Will” in Business!

Howdie Friends and Blog Readers!

Thanks for reading my blogs!  
     Today’s lesson or information is about your “Will”.   Do you have a good “Will”?   Most people do not.  There are few with a laser like “Will”.

One of your Mental Muscles!  This week I‘ll be bring up these Muscles one by one and looking at them.  (Perception, the Will, Reason, Imagination, Intuition

Napoleon Hill said, “I see only the objective, the obstacles must give way.” Concentration is the key to your success.

It’s done with the Will.

I wrote a blog on Perception I hope you got it.  The Will is what gives your mind real power!  Bob Proctor told me in his training that he has several statues of Napoleon Hill in his home; one is called “Organized Victory” because he has the capacity for sustained Concentration.  The will is your Concentration tool for the mind.  If you can learn to concentrate like a magnifying glass on a subject so as to bring it to Fire and do this constantly you will have a powerful control over your life.  You want to zero in on what you’re doing!  

Bob Proctor suggested that I do this exercise, which was given to him from Mr. Hill himself.   Ok, ready, find your favorite chair set down and find a spot on the wall at a good eye level and place a dot there on the wall using a pen or something that will be a permanent mark just a little dot.  Now sit back in your chair and focus on that dot clear your mind of everything and try to put yourself in the dot mentally become the Dot (focus on the dot).  Now if your focus starts to wonders that’s ok just bring it back on focus do this for Ninety days 5 minutes each day or each time you sit down in the chair!   This will train your mind to focus, control your “Will”! 

By doing this Exercise you will learn to concentrate on one thing. You will be able to concentrate on anything.   Concentration increases Amplitude of vibration. You’re going to give real power to your thoughts. 

“He that seeketh findeth; and to him that
knocketh it shall be opened”; for only by patience, practice, and
ceaseless importunity can a man enter the Door of the Temple of

Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its
fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of
his own husbandry.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,”
Men and Woman “They themselves are
makers of themselves” by virtue of the thoughts which they
choose and encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of
the inner garment of character and the outer garment of
circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in
ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and
James Allen

“There are three constants in life... change, choice andprinciples.” — STEVEN R. COVEY
Greatness is not for the chosen few but to the few who choose.

Ok.  So now we can train our “Will” I know it seems crazy to just sit and stair at an object and you might feel stupid in doing it. 
 Do you want to continue getting what you’re getting or do you want to change?
“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.” — EARL NIGHTINGALE

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith
And belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication.
Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dreamcan I be.”

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” — LES BROWN

I have a dream to help others reach freedom.   I am growing in this area myself and as I grow I would love for you to grow also. So I am sharing what I am learning as I learn.   I hope this is what you came to do, learn if not well forget if you can and move on if so great let’s dream together! 

I am growing a business and would like you to join my team.  It may not be what your wanting to do and if  not that is ok with me, But if you are looking for a way to gain freedom then this might be your answer or it might be a stepping stone to your answer.   Please consider this by at least giving it a “look see”  Look it over check out the possibilities and if it’s right for you come join me I have three opportunities and two gifts for you to consider! 

 Join me in Business don't miss out!
 Join me in Business You don't want to miss this Opportunity!


"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." -  Pope John XXIII 
From the Bible: 

 Free Gift just for you down load it no cost!

                     Free Gift

 A Free Gift for you! Don't wait long it might not be hear !


Thanks again for taking the time to read this blog
God bless and to your success
Brian L Jones

Something humorous to read to break up your day
“Book Me a Room in Capacitated”
I have been in many places, but I’ve never been in Cahoots.   Apparently you can’t go alone --- You have to be in Cahoots with someone.   I’ve never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.   I Have however, been in Sane You have to be driven there and I’ve made several trips thanks to family and friends and coworkers.   I like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I’m not much into physical activity anymore.   I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.   I’ve been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.   Sometimes I’m in Capable, and I go there more often as I get older.   One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets my heart pumping and adrenaline flowing.   Sometimes I think I am in Vincible, but life shows me I’m not.  I have been in Deepdoodoo frequently. And the more adventurous I get, the easier it is to end up there!